Monday, January 12, 2009
Divorce Mediation
Divorce mediation is an alternative to a traditional divorce that is becoming a very popular way for couples to settle their marital dispute. It offers couples a way to retain complete control over their divorce while resolving all disputes in an amicable way.
Mediation works best for couples who have a desire to maintain a positive post-divorce relationship, and who are able to communicate and work together well enough to reach an amicable solution to their dispute.
The mediator is a neutral party who is approved by both spouses. He will help both couples work together to resolve all of the major points of the divorce. The mediator does not have the authority to make any decisions in this process. His role is just to facilitate the discussion between both spouses.
Divorce doesn't have to bleed you dry of your life savings, but it can if you go to trial and engage in a bitter and protracted divorce proceeding. In mediation, the two people who know their own personal situation best can plan out their future without the adversarial process of a traditional divorce.
The result of a successful mediation is a better divorce agreement that is beneficial to both parties. The mediator knows the law and will help guide the couple into an agreement that will be approved by the court. Mediation will also take much less time and cost much less money than a traditional divorce.
Mediation can work out all facets of a divorce agreement, including child custody, child support, spousal support, and distribution of marital assets.