Thursday, July 30, 2009
Don’t Lose Sight of What’s Best for Your Child
It is easy to get caught up in the bitterness and animosity you feel for your estranged spouse during a divorce proceeding. Often, feelings of anger and betrayal may drive a person's motivation during such a difficult time. Unfortunately, in many cases, the person you end up hurting is not your spouse but your child.
When a divorcing couple has young children, it is important to make sure that their best interests are kept in mind when deciding issues of child custody. While feelings of bitterness and spite might motivate you to want to "stick it to your ex," in the long run, this behavior will only cause your children to suffer.
Children deserve to maintain positive, close relationships with both parents, provided neither parent is abusive or negligent in any way. To attempt to deny your ex his or her right to spend meaningful time with your children is unconscionable.
Clearly, child custody may be one of the most contentious issues you will have to deal with in your divorce. For most divorcing couples, both parents will want to spend as much time as possible with the children. Frequently, scheduling issues make custody arrangements extremely complicated. However, it is important to keep a level head during this difficult process and always remember that your priority when deciding custody should be to make the transition to divorced life as smooth as possible for your children.
A good divorce attorney will always try to help remove any animosity from this discussion and guide you and your estranged spouse through the custody process in a way that works to keep the best interests of your children at heart. If your divorce attorney fails to do this, you are most likely working with the wrong lawyer, because in the end, it is in your best interests to always put what is best for your children first.